
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Celebrating World Hypertension Day

Did you know that, Indians will undergo the highest number of heart surgeries in the world....1 out of every 12 Indians are likely to suffer from some form of cancer...15% of all Indians are likely to suffer respiratory or digestive system disorders leading to surgery...1 in 3 Indians aged 28 – 55 are likely to be hospitalized at least once...India is one of the lowest ranked countries in the world in overall healthcare infrastructure... Alarmed! Wish to find out more? Then read on...

Taresh Four-Way Health Care Protection Process(C): 

1: Looking for Basic securing of all sickness and accident leading to Hospitalization for 24 hours min, then take Basic Mediclaim
2: Securing a lump sum amount for recovering from major select critical illnesses: Take Critical Illness Insurance Policy 
3: Securing a lump sum amount for recovering from Hospitalization as  additional cash benefits; Take a Wellness Insurance Policy
4: Accident insurance: Accidents leading to Fracture or Burns.. 4 other benefits: Take Accident Insurance Policy

Taresh Suggests:
Review your current health care protections and start a 4 step Process

  1. Awareness: Get more knowledge about whats the best suited plans for you and your family.
  2.  Diagnosis-Understand your Current Health Status: Know and anticipate what kind of health insurance plans would be required over your lifetime 
  3. Knowledge-Call and discuss with Taresh as to the best type of 4 way health protection options most suited to you.
  4. Action-Call Taresh at 0124 4502200 now and give your thoughts about this email and what you have in mind and let Taresh reccoemnd the best for you
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